[BAJA 25KG] TWIN GREEN 13-12-9 | 6 in 1 Organic Compound Fertilizer | BAJA SAYUR / BUAH / BUNGA | TWIN ARROW BRAND
Quantity: 1
Weight(grams): 25000
Dimension: 48 cm (Length) x 70 cm (Width) x 12 cm (Height)
TWIN GREEN 13-12-9
6 in 1 Organic Compound Fertilizer
Twin Green is a suitable compound for use on seedlings, immature plants and general fertilizer for growth establishment. This formulation contains high water-soluble phosphate also suitable for good quality growth in early field planting especially high value crops.
* Ammonium nitrate – immediate readily available Nitrogen nutrient in nitrate form. Both form of ammonium and nitrate would be available nutrient either direct or converted into nitrate by soil microorganism.
* Di-ammonium phosphate – high water-soluble phosphate accelerates absorption and fast growth.
* Fulvic acid – as a chelator to combine minerals into organic compounds that can be ingested by plants more easily. Enable soil to hold more water, increase water infiltration and restrict toxins present in the soil, reducing harmful substance that reach the crop’s roots. Also act as plant growth regulator and enhance uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc and iron.
* Sulphur of Potash (SOP) – fast acting to provide both potassium and source of sulphur, a structural component of some amino acids, vitamins and essential for chloroplast growth and function. Ideal for all fruit trees, bushes and flowers for bigger, healthier fruit and flowers, also encourage disease and drought resistance.
* Amino acid – amino acid chelated calcium and minerals play a role in protecting plants against insect and disease.
* Azomite – 75 type natural minerals to improve root systems, yields and general plant vigor in a variety of field crops and garden vegetables. Remineralize nutrient-depleted soils and plants.
Newly Field Plant: Durian, Jackfruit, Mangosteen, Coconut, Cocoa, Mango, Banana, Dragon Fruit, Choy Sam, Spinach, Kangkong, Kailan, Cabbage, Sweet Corn, Pineapple, Chilli and more.
Broadcast application in circle of plant with 15 cm apart from the trunk or under the tree crown canopy. If apply in polybag, at least 5 cm apart from the seedling/tree.
*** 25KG *** 双青肥 – 6合1 有机复合肥
* 硝酸铵 – 硝酸盐形式立即可使用的氮营养素。 铵态和硝态氮这两种形式的营养素都可以直接或通过土壤微生物转化为硝酸盐而吸收。
* 磷酸二铵 – 高水溶性磷酸酯可快速的被植物吸收并快速生长。
* 黄腐酸 – 螯合剂,可结合矿物质形成有机化合物,使植物更容易摄入。 使土壤保持更多的水分,增加水分的渗透并限制土壤中存在的毒素,减少作物根部的有害物质。 还可作为植物生长调节剂并增加对氮,磷,硫,锌和铁的吸收。
* 硫酸钾 –可快速提供钾和硫的元素来源,硫是某些氨基酸,维生素的结构成分,对叶绿体的生长和功能至关重要。 理想用于所有果树,灌木和花朵,以获得更大,更健康的水果和花朵,还可以增强抗病和抗旱能力。
* 氨基酸 – 氨基酸螯合钙和矿物质,在保护植物免受昆虫和疾病的侵害中起作用。
* Azomite – 75种天然矿物质,可改善各种田间作物和花园蔬菜的根系,产量和一般植物活力。 重新矿化营养不良的土壤和植物。
均匀撒布于种植圈内,离开树干约20 - 30公分或于树冠底下。
Inquiry - [BAJA 25KG] TWIN GREEN 13-12-9 | 6 in 1 Organic Compound Fertilizer | BAJA SAYUR / BUAH / BUNGA | TWIN ARROW BRAND